Privacy & Cookie Policy

Legal informations website is the exclusive property of:
Europrint S.r.l.
Registered office: Via Vittorio Giordano, 49 – 80040 Terzigno (NA)
Tax Code and VAT: 02289300978
REA: NA – 969836
Share capital: € 45.000,00 fully paid-in

Headquarters: via Lavinaio, 1° Tratto 98 – 80044 Ottaviano (NA)

Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting our site and consulting this data protection notice page. Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679, this page describes the rules for the processing of personal data of users / visitors of the website

This information notice is limited to this site browsing and does not concern other websites or portals reachable via links, owned by third parties, so please refer to the respective information / policies.

The data controller is Europrint S.r.l., with registered office in Terzigno (NA), via Vittorio Giordano, 49 – e-mail

What types of data do we process, for what purposes and how long?

Spontaneous transmission

Through this site we can collect:

  1. Forms: personal data provided by the user spontaneously by filling in information request, contact, and similar forms. These data are processed to follow up on requests and fulfill any pre-contractual need, they are kept for the retention time of Aznom emails (10 years).
  2. Newsletter and direct marketing subscription: contact details (email) provided by filling in the newsletter subscription form. These data, collected for the provision of the newsletter service, will be used by Aznom also to send marketing communications. The subscription is absolutely free and optional and can be revoked from the email footer at any time. Contact details will be used for this purpose until unsubscribed and then deleted, except for storage for other contractual purposes.
Browsing data collected without user intervention

The site also uses cookies of a technical nature necessary for its operation, third-party statistical cookies and profiling cookies that are released only with user consent.

Cookies are small text files that are used to store small pieces of information. Cookies are stored on your device when the website is loaded on your browser.

These cookies help us to make the website work properly, make it more secure, provide a better user experience and understand how the website works and analyse what works and where it needs to be improved.

You can always change your option clicking here, otherwise setting the proper options in your browser, or also visiting to reject any tracking behavior of third party cookies.

Who do we communicate personal data to?

Data collected during the browsing of this site are disclosed:

  1. to third parties contracted by Europrint for the functioning of the website, designated as Data Processors (such as site maintainer, provider of the mailing system … );
  2. to third parties in compliance with a legal obligation or at the request of a competent authority on the matter.

What rights belong to the data subjects?

Users / visitors can exercise at any time the rights of access to their personal data, of rectification or cancellation of the same, to oppose and to request the restriction of the processing (articles 15 and following of the GDPR) by sending an e -mail to

Furthermore, users / visitors have the right to contact the Italian Supervising Authority (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali) to lodge a complaint related to the processing of their personal data.